Saturday, February 10, 2007

Why do people Blog?

Well lookin' at my Bloggin' frequency, it appears as if am almost dead. Am bloggin' just to inform all my fellow Bloggers that am still alive.

Most of the times it so happens that you run out of ideas to blog, unless you have a Technology blog or some Sports related blog where you have something to blog about every day, but as you would have figured out my blog doesn't fit in any of these categories. I am more of a 'Random' blogger, I blog only when I feel like or when anything happens which I feel is worth sharin' with others.. yeah you are right lookin' at my bloggin' frequency these things happen rarely.

Again the point I am goin' to make is - Why do people who have blogs which don't fit into any of the categories discussed above Blog?
As far as my observation goes, I have tried to list down the following:

1. Some have this habit of maintaining their blog as their personal diary, they blog about almost everything which happens around themselves. There blog is somewhat like - Today I got late.. missed my school bus.. Came home.. had lunch.. blah blah!
2. Some are somewhat serious and like to have discussions on their blog, it's like they blog on a particular topic and then ask others to give their opinions.
3. Some like advertising through their Blogs, they infact get paid for this so that's fine too.
4. Some of them blog to reach out to people or to just improve their Page Ranks, just to get more popularity.
5. And lastly there are some who are like me, 'Random' bloggers. :-)

After this I have kind-of tried to figure out why people blog, but now the point which arises is - What do they gain out of it?

Let's again analyse it based on the above five listed points.
See Pt. 3, People here are making money out of bloggin' that's fine.
In Pt.2, People are encouraging discussions on their blogs which is also fine.. using blog as a medium to take input from others. They are in a way gaining by this also.
In Pt. 5, These are the people who blog randomly not makin' any money out of it, not advertising for anything in particular. Since they blog randomly so it can be said that they don't gain anythin' much but it's Okay if they blog once in some months or so.
Now if you consider Pts. 1 and 4, Here the problem arises.. why do people have to like keep tellin' the world look I got late to school, lost my favourite coin and oter stuff.. what's the need? Why are these guys waistin' their and others precious time. It's clear they don't gain anything they may be further classified into "Addicted Bloggers", they are addicted to bloggin' and have to blog at least once a day. They want more and more people to comment on thier blogs.

I am in a confused state now. People after readin' this might be thinkin' what's your problem let them blog and you mind your blog. Well I guess I will have to do just that only.

Just in case, you have read this please let me know why do you blog and you fall into which cateogry.
Till then..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You write very well.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008 at 9:40:00 AM GMT+5:30  

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